Ashford Felting Needle – Reverse Barb


Reverse barb needles are used to create a ‘fluffy effect’. these needles pull the fibre outwards so are wonderful for making animals, or little features.

Choose between 1 or 10 needles



Reverse barb needles are used to create a ‘fluffy effect’. these needles pull the fibre outwards so are wonderful for making animals, or little features.

This listing is for 1 needle.

Getting started with Needle Felting

Needle felting is the exciting process of  transforming wool into 3D objects, or adding details to wet felting, using a barbed needle.

The three main ingredients to Needle Felting is felting fibrefelting needle, and a felting surface – all available on Wool Craft.

Choosing a felting needle

We recommend you buy at least two of your desired needles because they tend to break when you first start out. Each type of needle performs a function:

Choosing a Felting Fibre

We have many fibres to play with, keep the following in mind when choosing:

    • Karakul makes for a good base to felt over – it is inexpensive and used to create basic shapes that can be felted over by your chosen fibre.
    • Depending on your project, choose your favourite felting fibre
    • Locks are often used for doll hair, we have dyed locks and undyed locks
    • DO NOT buy superwash, this fibre does not felt

Additional information


1 Needle, 10 Needles